Plan Ahead

Planning ahead removes a burden from your family at a time of loss.

Planning ahead removes a burden from your family at a time of loss.

Most people agree that planning ahead for funeral wishes is a good idea. A written plan protects your family by relieving the burden that falls on loved ones during a time of loss.

Without a plan in place, family members are left with dozens of decisions to make while in the midst of grief. The problem is, many people hesitate to actually create their own plan.

We make it easy.

Check out any of our free resources below or book a meeting with our Pre-Need Manager.

Kathleen Ann Santivasci

Pre-Need Manager, Licensed Funeral Director, and Licensed Insurance Agent

As an established mortician with over 30 years of experience in the profession, Kathleen brings a wealth of strengths and skills to the table with each family. Working with grieving families proves to be a delicate and challenging service career, one that takes many years to appreciate and build upon. She works confidently with families of varying needs and challenges. She has also assumed the duties and responsibilities of a Maryland State Life Insurance Agent, possessing the required education to provide life insurance products to fund pre-planned funeral arrangements.

Ready to get started?

Plan Ahead Online

Free Resources

a page of a funeral planning checklist with a person writing on it

Preplanning Checklist

Download this checklist to make sure you aren’t missing any important steps when planning ahead for funeral wishes.

Download Checklist
a book titled how to plan a healing and meaningful funeral

"How to Plan a Healing & Meaningful Funeral" eBook

This eBook provides you with all the information you need to plan a funeral that truly honors a life lived and comforts those left behind to mourn.

Download eBook
a page of a funeral planning checklist with a person writing on it

Preplanning Checklist

Download this checklist to make sure you aren’t missing any important steps when planning ahead for funeral wishes.

Download Checklist
a book titled how to plan a healing and meaningful funeral

"How to Plan a Healing & Meaningful Funeral" eBook

This eBook provides you with all the information you need to plan a funeral that truly honors a life lived and comforts those left behind to mourn.

Download eBook

Benefits of Preplanning

Planning Ahead Lets Your Wishes Be Known

The death of a loved one often brings about unwarranted stress and turmoil among families. One family member wants one thing, while another family member wants something different. By planning ahead, you help prevent those disagreements by letting your family know what your wishes are and how you want your funeral service to be carried out and your business handled.

Planning Ahead Offers Peace of Mind

Our staff guarantees we will carry out the arrangements you want, just as you directed. Once the plans have been arranged, you and your family can rest easy knowing at the time of death, those uncomfortable decisions have been made. In a time when a family should be able to easily grieve, preplanning allows for that to happen.

Planning Ahead Offers Flexible Funding Options

When you preplan your funeral arrangements, there are more options when it comes to funding the funeral. A preneed insurance policy, life insurance policy or other payment options can all be arranged before the time of death. At the time of death, services must be paid in full, so having options ahead of time can also reduce other stress related to losing someone.

Planning Ahead Relieves The Burden From Family

Following the death of a loved one, there are more than 150 decisions that have to be made within the first day or two following the death. Those stressful decisions on top of the stress of grieving a loss can be eliminated by arranging your final wishes ahead of time. If those decisions are made, your loved ones aren’t left wondering what you would have wanted and how they should proceed with funeral plans. With those decisions out of the way, your loved one can begin the healing process sooner.

Common Questions about Preplanning

  • What steps are involved in preparranging a funeral?

    You can make funeral prearrangements in 3 easy steps:

    1) Contact us to get started: Our planning professionals are ready to assist you and walk you through the process step by step.

    2) Select your funeral preferences: Learn about your options, and choose the type of funeral service you desire, including any special requests.

    3) Finalize arrangements: Finalize your arrangement with a payment plan for the services that can be paid in installments. (Setting up a payment plan is not required, but we do recommend it.)

    Book a meeting with our Pre-Need Manager to get started!

  • What information do I need to prearrange a funeral?

    You'll need basic information about yourself or the person you are planning for, such as date of birth, marital status, parents' full names, etc. Besides the biological information, you'll need to choose burial or cremation, what type of service you'd like, what cemetery to use, etc. Our caring staff will help you with this process.

  • Do I have to pay in advance?

    Preplanning is merely making your wishes known; however, most families who do this choose to pre-fund their funeral as well. Doing so will relieve the financial burden on your family and offers peace of mind to you.

  • Can I transfer my plans to or from another funeral home?

    If you have plans at another funeral home and would like to move them here, we will help you do that. If you move from the area and would like to transfer your arrangements to another funeral home, we will assist you with that as well.

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